Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I think it is only necessary to post a blog during the first few weeks of football season.  Have you found yourself reppin your favorite sports team lately?!?  I have seen flags flying, tweets, instagrams, and Facebook status' all about football.  It's funny though, how we can be so into this football team that will sometimes let you down or make you super excited.  We fight with other fans and yell at the TV.  I am guilty of it as well but, why aren't we this way for Christ?

I think it's important to realize how excited we get about new sports seasons and compare that to how excited we get about Christ.  We know that Christ will not let us down.  He will not tailgate a football game or get in a fight with a fan for the other team.  No, he is there at all times, loving you and me.  We might need to sit back and take a look at our life and how much we really love Jesus.  It's his season at all times, so why don't you rep Him?!?

Webster's dictionary defines fan as, "an ardent admirer or enthusiast (as of a celebrity or a pursuit)." Do you see yourself this way about Jesus? Sometimes we have to take a reality check to ourselves. We know that being a fan is important in the sense of being an admirer of something but when we look at the fan that blows. What does it do? It "spreads" air around a room. Do we spread the Gospel to people we come into contact with; do we shine Christ's light everywhere we go and in everything we do? When was the last time you just simply told someone to have a wonderful day? Sometimes just a tiny act of kindness can change someone's day/life. Let's be FANS of Christ but not just the kind that worship Him but the kind that do what we are commanded and spread the Word; BE FOLLOWERS!

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me -- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."--Acts 20:24

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